Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ripoff or????HTC takes it to a new level with their latest model,the HTC ONE A9.

The famous Thai mobile company HTC is set to launch their latest mobile brand this November in a bid to win the hearts of smartphone lovers all around the world,the shocking surprise is,its hard to tell from an iPhone 6 by just looking at it.....

via specs the HTC one A9 comes with 3GB RAM,16/32GB internal storage,MMC slot up to 2TB(terrabites),android marshmellow operating system,13megapixel camera,4megapixel camera,and much more.
 Apple recently accused the company of imitating their design but in response to this HTC replied saying that they had the design first and Apple was the one copying their designs.
above is a comparison between both designed,HTC took a bolder step by placing this on their micro-site.

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