Monday, September 14, 2015

She is 40,she is a body builder and also a firefighter.

A mother defied medical advice and continued pumping iron at nine months' pregnant - and now says she is obsessed with getting even bigger after giving birth to her fourth child.
Lorna Biggam, who is 5ft 7in and weighs 12st, was still bench pressing 100kg right up to her due date and admits she defied medical advice to slow down from her six hours of weightlifting a week.
The mother-of-four even qualified for the British Female Bodybuilding Finals just ten months after giving birth to her one-year-old daughter by caesarean section. 
Lorna Biggam, 40, continued to pump iron up until her due date and qualified for the British Female Bodybuilding Finals just ten months after giving birth to her one-year-old daughter by caesarean section
Lorna Biggam, 40, continued to pump iron up until her due date and qualified for the British Female Bodybuilding Finals just ten months after giving birth to her one-year-old daughter by caesarean section
The 40-year-old, who consumes 4,000 calories a day, says she wants to keep getting bigger and admits she will never be happy with her size.
Lorna, from Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, said: 'In bodybuilding, you're always striving to be bigger and better after each competition.
'I never feel big enough so I'm always in competition with myself to improve my size and condition.'
During the labour with baby Quinn, surgeons discovered Lorna had a seven inch abdominal tear - which is common in muscular women as their taut stomach muscles can't stretch to accommodate the growing baby bump.
But fitness-mad Lorna was back in the gym six weeks later. She said: 'My midwife said I should calm down my weightlifting regime but I felt I knew my body best and I carried on as norSteven

Lorna, who has 14 years of service, commands incredible respect from her male colleagues at the local fire station that she works at in between caring for her children and working out
Lorna, who has 14 years of service, commands incredible respect from her male colleagues at the local fire station that she works at in between caring for her children and working out
Lorna Biggam goes through a drill at the fire station in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire
Lorna Biggam goes through a drill at the fire station in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire
The 40-year-old consumes 4,000 calories a day and wants to keep getting bigger now that she has given birth
The 40-year-old consumes 4,000 calories a day and wants to keep getting bigger now that she has given birth
A pregnant Lorna pictured with her daughter Marlee and son Reid
A pregnant Lorna pictured with her daughter Marlee and son Reid
Now she juggles her gruelling fitness regime with being a mother to four children and she also works full-time as a firefighter.
Lorna, whose partner Steven, 32, is also a bodybuilder, wakes up at 5.30am every day to fit in an hour of cardio before starting the school run.
Her day is then a frantic cycle of washing, cleaning, baby feeds, and changing nappies - with firefighter shifts and weightlifting crammed in between.
As well as cooking for her hungry brood, Lorna also prepares six separate high protein meals for herself and a separate strict menu for Steven.
And at the fire station, Lorna, who has 14 years of service, commands incredible respect from her male colleagues.
Her partner Steven, 32, is also a bodybuilder and the pair met at a competition 
Her partner Steven, 32, is also a bodybuilder and the pair met at a competition 
Lorna at home with her family (left to right) son Reid, partner Steven, daughter Taylor, baby Quinn, daughter Marlee and their pet dog
Lorna at home with her family (left to right) son Reid, partner Steven, daughter Taylor, baby Quinn, daughter Marlee and their pet dog
Lorna's biceps measure 14 inches and her thighs measure in at 23.5 inches
Lorna's biceps measure 14 inches and her thighs measure in at 23.5 inches
Lorna said: 'It is chaotic and when I'm going mental on the stepper with wild bed-hair at 5.30am, the neighbours must think I'm nuts.
'It is a manic lifestyle but I love it and I'm completely dedicated.'
Lorna's biceps measure 14 inches and her thighs measure in at 23.5 inches.
Since taking up weightlifting in 2013, Lorna has won Muscle Xcess Classic 2013, NABBA Miss Scotland Trained Figure, Muscle Xcess Classic 2015 and NABBA Scotland 2nd place 2015 and dreams of winning a universal title.
And her children couldn't be prouder of their mother. Lorna, who is a parent to Taylor, 15, Marlee, 13, Reid, eight, and one-year-old Quinn, said: 'Marlee and Reid are into their fitness already and they've said that they want to get big muscles when they're older.
'I think Steven and I are setting a good example by showing the kids how to look after their bodies.
'People do stare at me when I'm out and about and I've seen kids grab their mum's hand when they've caught sight of me in the supermarket. But my children and Steven couldn't be prouder.'
During the labour with baby Quinn, surgeons discovered Lorna had a seven inch abdominal tear
During the labour with baby Quinn, surgeons discovered Lorna had a seven inch abdominal tear
This is common in muscular women as their stomach muscles can't stretch to accommodate the growing baby bump
This is common in muscular women as their stomach muscles can't stretch to accommodate the growing baby bump
Speaking about her figure, she said: 'I never feel big enough so I'm always in competition with myself to improve my size and condition'
Speaking about her figure, she said: 'I never feel big enough so I'm always in competition with myself to improve my size and condition'
Lorna began weightlifting in 2012 after suffering from a knee injury during a charity football match
Lorna began weightlifting in 2012 after suffering from a knee injury during a charity football match
She started training in an attempt to build muscle around the joint but soon found herself addicted to pumping iron
She started training in an attempt to build muscle around the joint but soon found herself addicted to pumping iron
Lorna is 5ft 7in and weighs 12st of solid muscle and says the change in her body was dramatic and she loved seeing her muscles strengthen and grow
Lorna is 5ft 7in and weighs 12st of solid muscle and says the change in her body was dramatic and she loved seeing her muscles strengthen and grow
Lorna Biggam climbing a ladder at the fire station
Lorna Biggam climbing a ladder at the fire station
Lorna shows off her strength as she hoovers under the sofa as her children Quinn, Taylor, Marlee and Reid sit on top
Lorna shows off her strength as she hoovers under the sofa as her children Quinn, Taylor, Marlee and Reid sit on top
Lorna began weightlifting in 2012 after suffering from a knee injury during a charity football match. She started training in an attempt to build muscle around the joint but soon found herself addicted to pumping iron.
Lorna, who is 5ft 7in, and weighs 12st of solid muscle, said: 'The change in my body was dramatic and I loved seeing my muscles strengthen and grow.
'Within six months I'd gained a stone in muscle and went from a size 10 to a size 16.'
And it was Lorna's new hardcore hobby that helped her find love with fellow bodybuilder Steven.
Lorna's statuesque physique caught the eye of Steven, an asbestos removal supervisor, at a bodybuilding competition in 2013 and their mutual love of the weights bench led to romance outside of the gym.
Lorna said: 'It's great to be with someone who understands the level of commitment and dedication and won't try to tempt you away from your diet with a pizza.
'Sometimes I can be snappy with Steven when I'm on a shredding diet and I'm hungry but he understands where I'm coming from because he might have been in the same situation a week before.'
Her children couldn't be prouder of their mother and Marlee and Reid, far right, are into their fitness already 
Her children couldn't be prouder of their mother and Marlee and Reid, far right, are into their fitness already 
'I'd challenge anyone who says bodybuilding is a men's sport to come and train with me in the gym,' she says
'I'd challenge anyone who says bodybuilding is a men's sport to come and train with me in the gym,' she says
Lorna currently eats six protein-packed meals every day, including six egg whites and plenty of chicken and steak - totalling 4,000 calories
Lorna currently eats six protein-packed meals every day, including six egg whites and plenty of chicken and steak - totalling 4,000 calories
Lorna pictured weightlifting in the gym with her partner Steven, who helps keep her on track
Lorna pictured weightlifting in the gym with her partner Steven, who helps keep her on track
Lorna's statuesque physique caught the eye of Steven, an asbestos removal supervisor, at a bodybuilding competition in 2013
Lorna's statuesque physique caught the eye of Steven, an asbestos removal supervisor, at a bodybuilding competition in 2013
Lorna currently eats six protein-packed meals every day, including six egg whites and plenty of chicken and steak - totalling 4,000 calories.
Now Lorna wants to encourage other females to take up bodybuilding, and says that with the right dedication and commitment, women can have it all.
She said: 'Women are just as capable as men and female bodybuilding is becoming much more mainstream.
'I'd challenge anyone who says bodybuilding is a men's sport to come and train with me in the gym - they wouldn't be thinking that way for long.' 
Lorna pictured at work in the fire station mess room with her male colleagues 
Lorna pictured at work in the fire station mess room with her male colleagues 
Lorna claims that women are just as capable as men and female bodybuilding is becoming much more mainstream - and now she wants to encourage ladies to get involved
Lorna claims that women are just as capable as men and female bodybuilding is becoming much more mainstream - and now she wants to encourage ladies to get involved
Lorna Biggam qualified for the British Female Bodybuilding Finals just ten months after giving birth to her one-year-old daughter
Lorna Biggam qualified for the British Female Bodybuilding Finals just ten months after giving birth to her one-year-old daughter
The couples' mutual love of the weights bench led to romance outside of the gym
The couples' mutual love of the weights bench led to romance outside of the gym
Lorna training in the gym with her partner Steven
Lorna training in the gym with her partner Steven
SOURCE:daily mail.

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