Friday, September 11, 2015

Gerrard speaks on the Manchester united game in his new book and why it's personal with united.

On the morning of the game, I felt like a caged animal. As I warmed up on the afternoon last March, the United fans opened their throats.
They pelted me with abuse — and their favourite song echoed around the away end:
'Steve Gerrard, Gerrard... he slipped on his f****** arse, he gave it to Demba Ba... Steve Gerrard, Gerrard...'
After a while, when they got bored, they swapped it for another chestnut:
'You nearly won the league, you nearly won the league... and now you better believe it, now you better believe it, now you better believe it, you nearly won the league.'
The anger in the caged animal grew and grew. United were swaggering, Anfield was very quiet. It was obvious I would come on at half-time.
We had stood off United in the first half and made very few tackles. It went against everything built into my DNA. Tackling and collisions mattered against Manchester United.
While we waited for the second half to start, I looked around Anfield, my ancient battleground, and did a last few warm-ups, rotating my torso from the hips, tugging at my shorts, impatient for the game to get under way.
Liverpool captain's wanted to inspire his team and committed a fair but powerful challenge on Juan Mata
Liverpool captain's wanted to inspire his team and committed a fair but powerful challenge on Juan Mata
Gerrard appeals after fouling Herrera but he knew that he could not stop himself from stamping down

Referee Martin Atkinson shows the red card as Gerrard points to himself to question the decision
Referee Martin Atkinson shows the red card as Gerrard points to himself to question the decision
Before the Premier League game against United at Anfield on March 22, I believed I would start in what would be my final match against them.
Earlier in the season, Brendan Rodgers had given me a clear-cut message. 'Even though I'm managing your games it's important for you to understand that I'm trying to help you stay fresh. I can't be flogging you every game because I won't get the best out of you. Sometimes, I'll give you a break and you'll come back fresh and you'll do well.'
Brendan then said, just as I was getting up to leave: 'Look, I also want you to know one more thing. If we've got a very important game, a crucial game in the league or a cup final, then it's obvious. You're my No 1 pick. I put you in, and you're my captain. What you've given me since I've walked through this door, made my mind up a long time ago. If we've got a big game, you're in...'
We were out of the Champions League and the title was long gone. But we were closing in on fourth place, and Manchester United at home felt like the biggest game of the season. So I felt confident I would be selected.

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